Typical Sunday

The alarm goes off at 7am and Chris gets ready for church and leaves the house by 8 or 8:30am sometimes he gets up even earlier. Most days, the kids seem really easy to get ready and we go out the door with no issues, no blowouts and no temper tantrums…But on Sundays, it’s probably the hardest day to be a Mom and a pastor’s wife…

I literally pray for a TON of grace to flood over my life and especially my heart in dealing with the little people in my life on a Sunday! Sometimes it’s just hard to even recognize grace and I feel so out of control! Getting ready on Sundays brings bitterness to my heart because I am at home trying to get 3 little ones ready as well as myself, ALL by MYSELF! While Chris is getting ready at church.

It’s like pulling teeth when it comes to getting the girls to put their clothes on, their tights on, their shoes on and their coats and hats on. Just getting out the door is a task! I scramble to get clothes on and get Zac ready and I chase him because he doesn’t particularly like to get dressed on Sundays! I even resort to yelling and counting and at that point I am far from being happy! We are almost always late on Sundays even with an hour and a half head start at getting ready!

We walk into the church and I am greeted by super happy people. I just don’t have anymore to give and my morning is NOT done yet with the kids because most of the time, I am in the nursery with them. I have trouble asking for help because I feel like I may put someone out by asking them to watch the kids. I love when there is Sunday school and someone comes in to say, “Please go in and sit in service” because I have a little bit of a break!

Chris and I like for the kids to be in the sanctuary during praise and worship, but sometimes, I see myself as being the enforcer while trying to enjoy praise and worship with, “NO!” “Stop that!” “Don’t do that!” “Sit still or stand!” By the time the sermon starts I am far from ready to hear the Word of God so that it could penetrate my heart and maybe even possibly change my attitude!

All I want to do on Sundays is scream into a pillow and say “Poof, I’m gone!!” I simply need a break on Sundays…I know everyone has been through this but I just feel like Sundays, the kids tendencies to do what I think is bad seems more than usual. Honestly, sometimes I feel like what is the point of going to church when I get so worked up and my attitude is wrong?!

After all is said and done, when all the kids have fallen asleep for the night, I am so relieved the day is finally over. Sigh. I usually reflect on the day before I go to bed and God gently reminds me that the little ones are only little for a short time and I can blink my eyes and these days will be gone! He reminds me that He has the grace that I need to be sustained as a parent during the week, especially on Sundays when the kids simply annoy me because they don’t listen or do what I ask!

God is good and He has blessed us so much with our wonderful kids! Our kids are good, loving, gentle and kind and many times I fail to see that in our kids! Thank God for His forgiveness and for Bella and Gabbi’s ways of extending grace to me as their Mommy during the times I get so worked up! I also have to remind myself that they are just 5, 4 and 1 years old and I need to adjust my attitude when things don’t work out the way they do. I know every parent out there may possibly go through this, but I need to constantly remind myself that God’s grace and strength is ALWAYS sufficient!


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