Hi, my name is May. My husband, Chris and I have been married since March 8, 2003. We are blessed with 4 fun-loving kids, Bella, Gabbi, Zac and Oliver.
We currently live in Illinois.
Thank you for visiting my blog, Beautifully Broken, I just want to share what God is doing in my life and raise awareness on mental health. My family and I served as senior pastors that led us from VA, to NC, to Maine and back to VA. Now, our family serve as pastors of The Crossroads Church in Sauk Village, IL, not too far from the city of Chicago.
My story is like so many of you out there who may struggle with mental illness…I used to hide my depression because I was ashamed of it and because I was told that I should know better…That “Christians aren’t supposed to be depressed! Or those in the ministry, especially my, husband, who was a pastor, should have “prayed for me more!”
Through the years, I have learned that letting others know my story, my testimony, gives me a better understanding of a person and how we never really know what battles people are fighting and how kindness goes a long way. A smile goes a long way, a simple word of encouragement does go a long way….My story is messy but God, has kept me and preserved me through teaching me to use my praise and worship as a weapon to fight! I am not perfect and I will never admit that I have it all together, He is still working on me! Beautifully Broken for me means, He has turned my ashes into beauty and the gold-filled cracks in my life are a testament of His goodness in my life.
I graduated with my MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am currently working on a Mobile Crisis Response Unit as one of their clinical responders who go out on calls with the police departments that serve Cook County to answer mental health Crisis calls. I also have a case load of clients-children and adults.
It is my desire to walk with you in this blog and share the hope that I have in the Lord!
May you be blessed and be encouraged! Shoot me an email, I would love to hear from you!