Dear friend, As I write this, I am also reminding myself these things. Please hear me out: I see you struggling. I know how you feel when it seems as if the world is falling apart. No one seems to understand what you are going through. Some days you are as happy as those around you. Those days, you aren’t really faking it to make it. There is a glimmer of hope. Happiness IS attainable! Some days, you aren’t as hopeful because you are disappointed with how things are. There are also days where you have had enough, you just want to hide orRead More →

Sometimes in these episodes, I forget that I am His…that no matter what, He is always with me. I may not understand why things are the way they are but He sees everything. He knows what’s going on. He is always where I am and I can’t go anywhere where His presence is not around or with me. That is how much He loves me! As far as fighting well, we just need to STAND. He is fighting for us! He has the Victory!Read More →

I was ashamed to admit that I had depression and I didn’t tell anyone till 2 years ago about my struggle. I was so afraid of what it may mean to have to depression. In my mind, a person who believes in God and trusts in Him and believe that He is the Healer and ALL of who God is, couldn’t possibly be ever depressed? I mean, He IS the SOURCE of our Joy, right? How could I lose my joy? How could I not see the good in anything?? I felt like withdrawing but couldn’t…Read More →

I have always been a little sentimental when it comes to cards, notes, artwork by the kids. I think I have all the cards that Chris has given me over the last 13 years of marriage tucked away somewhere. We have moved several times but I have some tucked in my dresser drawer. I also have kept little notes from the girls or some of their artwork tucked away also. I am a collector of these items. I love reading over them! I have to honestly say that the last few months, I have struggled very badly with bouts of depression. I thought for sure IRead More →

Fear is crippling. Fear says a lot of things and when you hear fear a lot, you start believing it. Fear is learned for the most part unless it is part of the fight or flight response. For example, I try not to tell the kids I am afraid of something unless I have tried it. Like riding roller coasters-I don’t like to ride them and they scare me because I have tried them. Fear keeps you from doing anything you set your mind to, especially the thing that God wants you to do. I have let my fears get in the way a lot.Read More →

Beautifully Broken’s new logo is brought to you by Simple Designs by Jennifer. I am so blessed to have had her be a part of this vision of mine by doing the logo! It simply means that through Christ death we have freedom to choose to live. I have come to learn and understand that depression is an illness…like the common cold(I know, it’s more complex than that) sometimes you get it from time to time and get better. With depression, there are days where I can have the most positively awesome day and then really dark days. I am learning to choose to LIVE. Sometimes,Read More →

In 2014, I shared with the whole world what I was facing! I remember the day so vividly because I feel as though I had hurt some family and friends in the process by not telling them about the REAL me, my REAL struggle with depression. I knew God was asking me to share about it. I fought and pleaded to the Lord but He won, of course, and I could not shake the calling to share and so I did. I know that the postpartum depression started shortly after Bella was born and carried through past Gabbi and even Zac. I look back onRead More →