Dear friend, As I write this, I am also reminding myself these things. Please hear me out: I see you struggling. I know how you feel when it seems as if the world is falling apart. No one seems to understand what you are going through. Some days you are as happy as those around you. Those days, you aren’t really faking it to make it. There is a glimmer of hope. Happiness IS attainable! Some days, you aren’t as hopeful because you are disappointed with how things are. There are also days where you have had enough, you just want to hide orRead More →

Sometimes in these episodes, I forget that I am His…that no matter what, He is always with me. I may not understand why things are the way they are but He sees everything. He knows what’s going on. He is always where I am and I can’t go anywhere where His presence is not around or with me. That is how much He loves me! As far as fighting well, we just need to STAND. He is fighting for us! He has the Victory!Read More →