I have always been a little sentimental when it comes to cards, notes, artwork by the kids. I think I have all the cards that Chris has given me over the last 13 years of marriage tucked away somewhere. We have moved several times but I have some tucked in my dresser drawer. I also have kept little notes from the girls or some of their artwork tucked away also. I am a collector of these items. I love reading over them! I have to honestly say that the last few months, I have struggled very badly with bouts of depression. I thought for sure IRead More →

In 2014, I shared with the whole world what I was facing! I remember the day so vividly because I feel as though I had hurt some family and friends in the process by not telling them about the REAL me, my REAL struggle with depression. I knew God was asking me to share about it. I fought and pleaded to the Lord but He won, of course, and I could not shake the calling to share and so I did. I know that the postpartum depression started shortly after Bella was born and carried through past Gabbi and even Zac. I look back onRead More →

I am an emotional train wreck, full of ups and downs, full of discontent when I lose myself in myself… Life as I make it, can be completely messy and hard… When I lose sight of God, this is what I see. When I just completely see all the things that I am working on, the things that I have not completely surrendered to God and try to fix on my own, all I see is failure! In my place of surrender, I see ALL the Beauty in the ashes that God made completely for me, just for me! That in the depths of my despair,Read More →