Marriage is hard, having kids is hard, add ministry to that, it gets even harder. BUT, we do what it takes to keep this marriage and family in line…we keep God at the center, we pray together, we eat at the table together. We love hanging out with each other, sometimes a little too much! LOL! We all miss each other even if it’s just hours that we have been away from each other. We hug, kiss and dance in front of the kids. We tell each other “I love you” and ask each other about our day. We continue to learn about each other!Read More →

I was ashamed to admit that I had depression and I didn’t tell anyone till 2 years ago about my struggle. I was so afraid of what it may mean to have to depression. In my mind, a person who believes in God and trusts in Him and believe that He is the Healer and ALL of who God is, couldn’t possibly be ever depressed? I mean, He IS the SOURCE of our Joy, right? How could I lose my joy? How could I not see the good in anything?? I felt like withdrawing but couldn’t…Read More →

I see you not believing Not trusting Not having faith Believing you are a lost cause Stop listening to the voice of the enemy saying that you are not worth saving That you are a waste of time That you are not worth His blood This is what the voice of the Father says, Your Creator, You are Dearly Loved I died for you and for all the things that you have done Rise Up Put your trust in Me I will always be here for you and I will never leave you You are not a waste of time You are the one that was goingRead More →