Sometime in April of 2018, I was asked to write an article about my experience with clinical depression. I remember for the longest time I did not share my story with others because I was so ashamed of myself and my experience.
There was this urge to write and start the conversations of mental illness and my personal story.
The struggle with depression became a part of a beautiful story of God’s refining fire, His pruning, His taking whatever was broken in me and to share how He has turned my life around by healing and restoring me.
Ultimately, the clinical depression became a part of my life story which led to a strong calling to go into clinical mental health counseling.
I will admit that parts of the struggle, I haven’t really shared, not because I am still ashamed of it, but because I haven’t felt that strong push to share certain parts.
As I continue to walk this healing and continue to share, I pray that somehow, those who are struggling will find comfort and peace in knowing that they are not alone in this fight.
That they can find help and solace that there is a God; Who created them in the secret place of their mother’s womb…knows the number of hairs on their head, knows every tear that they have cried.
While it feels as if God is far off, during your struggle, know that He has truly been there every step of the way. That the God of the universe, the One who called everything into existence, who named every star in the sky, knows YOUR name…He has a plan and purpose for you! Plans that are good and not for harm…a plan that will give you hope.
He is not far away…He knows and is carrying you through this. He promised to never leave you.
As I write this, I am reminded of who God is to me and I am so thankful that in those times where the pieces of my life were shattered in-front of me because of my hopelessness, I was still able to see a glimpse of how He has held ME all together and that I will continue to be ok…through the good, the bad and ugly of life.
Rest in that….
“For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you,
“Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
Isaiah 41:13