Fear is crippling. Fear says a lot of things and when you hear fear a lot, you start believing it. Fear is learned for the most part unless it is part of the fight or flight response. For example, I try not to tell the kids I am afraid of something unless I have tried it. Like riding roller coasters-I don’t like to ride them and they scare me because I have tried them. Fear keeps you from doing anything you set your mind to, especially the thing that God wants you to do. I have let my fears get in the way a lot.Read More →

Beautifully Broken’s new logo is brought to you by Simple Designs by Jennifer. I am so blessed to have had her be a part of this vision of mine by doing the logo! It simply means that through Christ death we have freedom to choose to live. I have come to learn and understand that depression is an illness…like the common cold(I know, it’s more complex than that) sometimes you get it from time to time and get better. With depression, there are days where I can have the most positively awesome day and then really dark days. I am learning to choose to LIVE. Sometimes,Read More →

I see you not believing Not trusting Not having faith Believing you are a lost cause Stop listening to the voice of the enemy saying that you are not worth saving That you are a waste of time That you are not worth His blood This is what the voice of the Father says, Your Creator, You are Dearly Loved I died for you and for all the things that you have done Rise Up Put your trust in Me I will always be here for you and I will never leave you You are not a waste of time You are the one that was goingRead More →

A couple weeks ago, the Obgyn put me on bed rest. Not FUN at all because my bed rest started very early this time and I have 10 more weeks to go. I am praying that baby Zachary will cook for as long as possible! With God all things are possible! With Gabbi, I went into preterm labor(my cervix had dilated to 2cm already) with her at 29 weeks and was admitted the first time for 4 days and at 33 weeks, I was admitted again for going into labor with her and the doctors tried all they could to stop the labor. Drugs stoppedRead More →