
Racism-something I don’t fully understand why it still exists, but here is something I want to tell you:  So many classify racism as black and white. It isn’t. It is any color or race that one considers to be INFERIOR to whatever color or race you are-usually, as I have stated, it is white vs. black. Sometimes, the biases formed in our minds of someone’s race is because of ignorance. Sometimes, we know better but CHOOSE to continue on with our racist thinking because of this and that…we classify a color or groups of people to be lower than us because we THINK WE ARERead More →

A few days late but I want to write and share these: Thankful for a husband who works hard to allow me to stay home with the kids! Thankful for our little children who fill our lives with such joy, sometimes frustration but all worth it! They make life feel very fulfilled and I am so thankful that God gave us three little blessings! Thankful for our family who continue to love, support and pray for us even though we are far away! Thankful for all the friendships God has given us here in Maine and thankful for our friends far away who have beenRead More →

As Christians, we are called to serve one another, even when it’s the most inconvenient! I was one of those who made up excuses on why I shouldn’t offer any kind of help. A couple weeks ago, my friend and I attended a Bible study where we didn’t really know anybody except the leader.  After prayer, one young lady, who just found out she was a couple months pregnant, piped up and said, “This is very un-characteristic of me to even ask, but my back is bothering me and I am in so much pain! Can someone please come over to help me with myRead More →

A couple weeks ago, the Obgyn put me on bed rest. Not FUN at all because my bed rest started very early this time and I have 10 more weeks to go. I am praying that baby Zachary will cook for as long as possible! With God all things are possible! With Gabbi, I went into preterm labor(my cervix had dilated to 2cm already) with her at 29 weeks and was admitted the first time for 4 days and at 33 weeks, I was admitted again for going into labor with her and the doctors tried all they could to stop the labor. Drugs stoppedRead More →

A week ago, I was asked to share about the Balancing Act of a woman in ministry, wife and mother. For a couple of months, I struggled to write down all my thoughts because through this process, I was and still am trying to figure out how to balance the everyday life of being a woman, wife and mom. I only knew that there were too many thoughts going on in my head of how to even begin my little talk. Let me start with this… As a woman, I am trying to figure out my place in this world. Especially in being a minister’sRead More →