On our way back to Maine from my trip to Va for a weekend, Gabbi got really sick, I mean diarrhea sick. I know too much info! So, I had gone in after my friend said Gabbi had an accident. It was not pretty nor did it smell like roses! 🙂 I asked Gabbi what was wrong and she explained how her stomach was hurting and how she was afraid of getting in trouble for having an accident. I was honestly a bit annoyed inside that this was happening because in my head, I was thinking, “this is going to be a LONG day inRead More →

Many of you all know about our struggle with Zac this past year with sickness and we have been to many specialists that have not provided with any explanation as to why he has been sick. BUT, thankful, that the doctors are looking! I believe he has become a pin cushion the past year. He also stopped growing for about year after he turned 6 months old. His appetite has been very good but it’s like he has hard time absorbing nutrients and has constant diarrhea. He has also had a hard time healing from cuts and bruises…the site gets infected easily. It seems hisRead More →

The alarm goes off at 7am and Chris gets ready for church and leaves the house by 8 or 8:30am sometimes he gets up even earlier. Most days, the kids seem really easy to get ready and we go out the door with no issues, no blowouts and no temper tantrums…But on Sundays, it’s probably the hardest day to be a Mom and a pastor’s wife… I literally pray for a TON of grace to flood over my life and especially my heart in dealing with the little people in my life on a Sunday! Sometimes it’s just hard to even recognize grace and IRead More →

Moving to Maine 3 and a half years ago came with its joys and challenges. But most of all, it brought a lot of loneliness in my life. Because I am a girl in need of girlfriends, I went looking and most importantly,  prayed for God to help bring girlfriends in my life. This past year, I started attending a MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) group at Bella’s Christian school she attended.  This was such a wonderful time for me and I looked forward to coming every month. One particular morning on the day we were scheduled for a meeting, I had a vision of one ofRead More →

At 24 weeks, my obgyn put me on bed rest for early contractions to prevent preterm labor. It has been hard to be on bed rest with 2 little ones running around. I was definitely NOT confined to my bed because Chris works a full time job outside of the church. But at 32 weeks, I had started to dilate and I had to get off my feet!  We have had to rely on help from others for help which has been very humbling!  Chris’ Mom flew out the day after my appointment to stay with me for a week. A lady from church stayed allRead More →

A couple weeks ago, the Obgyn put me on bed rest. Not FUN at all because my bed rest started very early this time and I have 10 more weeks to go. I am praying that baby Zachary will cook for as long as possible! With God all things are possible! With Gabbi, I went into preterm labor(my cervix had dilated to 2cm already) with her at 29 weeks and was admitted the first time for 4 days and at 33 weeks, I was admitted again for going into labor with her and the doctors tried all they could to stop the labor. Drugs stoppedRead More →

A week ago, I was asked to share about the Balancing Act of a woman in ministry, wife and mother. For a couple of months, I struggled to write down all my thoughts because through this process, I was and still am trying to figure out how to balance the everyday life of being a woman, wife and mom. I only knew that there were too many thoughts going on in my head of how to even begin my little talk. Let me start with this… As a woman, I am trying to figure out my place in this world. Especially in being a minister’sRead More →

As a family we have embarked on the 21 day fast by fasting the television. As a parent, I have become so dependent on the television for the girls, especially in the morning as I prepare their breakfast or even when I get in the shower. So, without my little crutch, I have been moved into a little uncomfortable and not so easy time in my life…who knew I would miss the television this much! The girls on the other hand, don’t really watch it when it’s on so it has made no difference. We are only on our third day and it’s been aRead More →